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Christopher Ferrie

University of Technology Sydney

Read more about Christopher here

Chris Ferrie is an associate professor at the University of Technology Sydney in Australia, where he researches and lectures on quantum physics, computation, and engineering. He is the co-founder of Eigensystems, a quantum computing start-up with a mission to democratize access to quantum computing through education. As the #1 best-selling science author for kids, he has written over fifty children’s books about science and a few for adults. You can find Chris online at csferrie.com.

What you shouldn’t know about quantum physics

In 1935, Erwin Schrodinger put a (hypothetical!) cat in a box. With a vile poison and some quantum magic, we were forced to the conclusion that the cat was both alive and dead at the same time. Over 80 years later, it is either one impressive cat or it is surely dead. I will resurrect Schrodinger’s cat and discuss the implications of and on the famous thought experiment from the perspective of the recently developed fields of quantum information and computation, but not before showing you how we can share such seemingly complex concepts even with children! Along the way, we will debunk certain myths and misconceptions about things such as quantum superposition, uncertainty, and entanglement.

Date: Tuesday 3 December 2024
Time: 1900 – 2000 hours AEDT
Room: Plenary Room 3, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Cost: Free! This lecture is open to the public to attend.

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